Path to Mastery

Impact through Learning

The Academy is your gateway to discovering and mastering biofeedback, neurofeedback, qEEG, and applied neurotechnology. It connects learners with world-renowned trainers, educators, and industry experts who offer certification-backed courses designed to empower professionals like you.

Learners can explore a diverse array of opportunities, from immersive hands-on workshops to flexible online modules. These programs, crafted and delivered by experienced educators, are tailored to meet the needs of both beginners and seasoned professionals. Whether you're taking your first steps or advancing your career, the Academy bridges the gap between learners and the expertise they need to grow.

Elevate your experience

By bringing together expert educators and eager learners, its the ideal platform to access the knowledge, tools and training needed to follow your path to mastery. The academy features educational opportunities designed and delivered by experts, including:

  • Comprehensive Courses: Covering foundational and advanced topics to deepen your understanding.
  • BCIA-Certified Programs: Online and practical courses that support progress toward BCIA certification for Bio and Neurofeedback.
  • qEEG Courses: Expert-led programs offering guidance toward certification and skill development.
  • Specialized E-Courses: Focused modules that explore dedicated subjects in depth.
  • Hands-On Workshops: Practical learning sessions essential for refining skills.
  • Personalized Training: Tailored learning experiences designed by industry leaders.

Learn all modalities

Learn to utilize a wide range of modalities, including respiration, skin conductance, temperature, muscle activity, blood volume pulse, and brain activity (EEG). These techniques form the foundation for applications in biofeedback, neurofeedback, and beyond—addressing areas such as stress management, mental health, cognitive performance, sports optimization, overall well-being, and other innovative fields of application.
  • EEGBrain activity qEEG [21ch]
  • EEGSlow Cortical Potentials [SCP]
  • EMGMuscle activity [1-4ch]
  • ECGHeart rate
  • ECGBlood Volume Pulse [PPG]
  • RSPRespiration
  • TMPTemperature
  • GSRSkin Conductance [GSR]

NeXus and more

The expert-led education provides hands-on experience with powerful tools like the NeXus | 10 and the NeXus | Q32.  The courses ensure participants gain practical knowledge of advanced amplifiers and systems, preparing them for professional certification and mastery.

Learn Biotrace+ software

The easy-to-use BioTrace+ software is an integral part of your learning journey. As a key tool in Academy courses, BioTrace+ allows you to practice and refine your skills. While BioTrace+ is central to many lessons, other software and systems are also introduced, ensuring a broad understanding of the necessary tools for certification.

Get your Education

Ready to learn from world-renowned trainers? Discover expert-led courses in biofeedback, neurofeedback, and qEEG that align with your professional goals.

Follow the link and start your journey today!

Get your education here